PFLAG - Rehoboth Beach


Frequently Asked Questions


Q. What is LGBTQ+?

A. LGBTQ+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or questioning people.

Q. Who comes to PFLAG Meetings?

A. We at PFLAG - Rehoboth Beach welcome everyone to our meetings. Many of our attendees are parents who have an LGBTQ+ child who need some support for their own feelings or need some understanding of their child.  Also our meetings include people who are friends of an LGBTQ+ person and need the same type of support.  We have a number of LGBTQ+ people who attend our meetings looking for support and/or to share and help with everyone's understanding.

Q. What do you do at the meetings?

A. Our meetings are designed around the needs of the group.  We take a small amount of time to discuss things that are going on in the community, both negative and positive, upcoming events, etc. A portion of the meeting is then spent talking in a casual atmosphere about the concerns of the group. We help in answering questions and give support through brochures, books and other available information sources. Everything discussed is strictly confidential. We are here to help!

Q. Do I have to participate?

A. No. You can just come and listen. You may find that once at the meeting, your feelings about participation will change; however, you are more than welcome to just come to the meeting to see what we are all about without sharing your particular situation.

Q. How many people attend the meetings?

A. We typically have around 8 to 12 people attending our meetings. Our agenda is not set in stone. We feel it is more important to keep things casual and to alter the meetings based on the participants' needs.

Q. Do you have a question?

A. If you have a question or if you just need to talk, feel free to email us at