These days are difficult times for so many of us.

And before we say anything else, we must say this, regardless of what has happened:

You are loved. You are valued. And PFLAG is here.

When we watch or listen to news and events happening these days, it has us experiencing a range of emotions from anger to hurt, sadness, and fear. Pundits talk about a country that is divided, national leaders are talking about unity, and based on current events, it’s become clear: roughly half of our neighbors (and even some of our family members) do not embrace the same vision of America as we do.

The reality is that in many places, elected officials who have introduced or supported bills that oppose the very existence and presence of LGBTQ+ people have been successful, and their success promises a new wave of ugliness. There are major battles on the horizon, and these are battles we must win. Lives are at risk. And it isn't just LGBTQ+ lives. It is the lives of anyone who doesn’t fit in their idea of “the mainstream” -- people of different religions, races, ethnicities, levels of ability, socioeconomic groups, and genders.

PFLAGers know how to experience losses, celebrate wins with grace, and never lose sight of our vision of a world where all people are valued, respected, supported, and loved.

But make no mistake: PFLAGers also know how to fight for ourselves, for our families, and for a bright future for LGBTQ youth. We have been on the frontlines, making allies out of adversaries, for over 40 years.

And though we must take time to reflect, to heal, to rage, and to grieve, we cannot sit in inaction for long. The lives and rights of our LGBTQ loved ones cannot afford to wait.

The darkness has been exposed. Now, it is our job to continue to shine a light on it, and challenge it as only PFLAGers can, with education, personal stories, and the full weight of the United States Constitution, which still guarantees our PFLAG values of dignity, respect, and equal rights for all.

We’ve got more than 400 chapters and 200,000 members and supporters across the country ready to get this done. That’s thousands of people committed to sending this message:

You are loved. You are valued. And PFLAG is here.

In solidarity,
The PFLAG National Team

P.S. If you are struggling and need help, don’t wait, and don’t suffer alone: Asking for help is a sign of strength.

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: (800) 273-8255 (online chat available)

  • Crisis Text Line: Text START to 741-741

  • The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender National Hotline: (888) 843-4564

  • The GLBT National Youth Talkline (youth serving youth through age 25): (800) 246-7743

  • The National Runaway Switchboard: (800) RUNAWAY (786-2929)